How can I check the status of my order?

You can check the status of your order by logging into "My Account" and selecting the "Order History" tab. Additionally, you will receive an email with shipping details and a tracking number once your order has been shipped.

What are your shipping policies?

Orders received before 2:00 pm EST are processed and shipped the same day. Orders received after 2:00 pm EST will be processed the next business day. You will receive an email with shipping details and a tracking number.

How long will it take to receive my order?
  • U.S. Orders: 5-7 business days.
  • Canada Orders: 6-14 business days.

We do our best to estimate delivery times accurately, but these can change. For the most up-to-date information, check the tracking number in your shipping confirmation email.

Can you deliver to APO/FPO/DPO and PO boxes?

We currently only deliver to PO boxes.

What shipping options are available in the United States?

We offer standard shipping for all U.S. orders, with delivery in 5-7 business days.

What shipping options are available in Canada?

We offer shipping through Asendia for all orders in Canada, with delivery in 10-14 business days.

Do you ship internationally?


Do I need to sign for my package?

No, but please make sure your shipping address is a secure location.

What should I do if my package is lost or stolen in transit?

If your package is lost or stolen, please contact us and we’ll work to resolve the issue. If your package is marked as delivered by the courier and you haven’t received it, please contact the courier service.

What is your return policy?

All regular orders can be returned within 30 days of the order date for a full refund (excluding non-refundable shipping costs). Auto-replenishment orders can be returned within 30 days for a full refund of the product.

How do I make a free return?

Visit our chatbot and follow the instructions to request a return. Use the provided prepaid shipping label to return the items in their original packaging. It may take up to two weeks to process returns.

How do I make an exchange?

Contact us or email us at customerservice@paleolife.com. Currently, we only offer exchanges for select orders, but we are happy to work with you to find a solution.

Where do I drop off my return package?

All U.S. returns must be made through USPS. Be sure to drop off your package at the carrier specified on your return label.

Can I use my own label? Why should I use the Paleolife® label?

Please use our return label to ensure that your return is processed correctly. Paleolife® is not responsible for return packages sent without the provided prepaid label.